The event will be held on ZOOM. After registration, you will receive an email with a link

Program for the event:


– 18:00-18:15 Is the sentinel biopsy a risky procedure for the oncological prognosis? – Dr. Mariela Vasileva, President of the Bulgarian Society for the Fight against Breast Cancer, surgeon at the „Dr. Shterev“ Medical Complex, researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of MU-Pleven

– 18:15-18:30 Is the sentinel biopsy a safe procedure for the patient and others? Prof. Dr. Pavel Bochev, head of the Nuclear Medicine Clinic, Achibadem City Clinic Sofia

– 18:30-18:45 Does the patient benefit from performing a sentinel biopsy? – Tsvetelina Miloslavova, President of the „Bulgarian Lymphedema Association“

–18:45-19:00 Discussion