LIFE app is a tool for patient’s empowerment, where women (and men) with breast cancer can be an active paricipants in their treatment.

LIFE is developed as mobile or desktop app and currently can be used on Android phones.

Users have access to:

  • validated medical information for thieir disease;
  • information for nutrition and phisical activity during and after cancer treatment;
  • recomendations for excersise after surgery;
  • psycological support and information;
  • recommendations for follow up exams.

Patients can report and track:

  • the regular intake of the prescribed medicines
  • physical activity and excersise after surgery
  • any side effect of the therapy
  • quality of life and psycological status

Users can collect all their medical documentation on a mobile phone wherewer they go. All documents related to the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the patient can be stored as pictures in different sections.

All information in the app is specifically created for the Bulgarian breast cancer patients by our consultants:

Patients and doctors in the app can improve their communication by giving access to the doctors of summary of their patients drug intake and quaility of life during treatment.

Register today in the LIFE and soon will receive a call from our asistant – Veneta Terziiska. She will provide you with all the support you may need to use the app. Stay connected with us for better user experience! Become a part of the LIFE community.