15.30 till 17.00 Management Committee meeting (MC COST members and substitutes only)
1. Welcome to participants, verification of the quorum and adoption of agenda
2. Information to the MC
a) Recap of the minutes of the last meeting, e-votes and matters arising since the last meeting
b) Action Membership: New Specific Organisations and COST Members represented in the MC
c) Action Participation: WG membership and applications, New MC members/Observers and provisional substitution
d) Budget status: summary from the Grant Holder
3. Follow up and discussion on the:
a) Implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy
b) Grant Awarding by the Action
c) Progress of each working group
d) Science Communication Plan
e) Progress on MoU Objectives, WG tasks, deliverables, and Goals for the current GP
f) Outcome of Innovation Grant
4. Planning
a) Work and Budget Plan of the current GP
b) Upcoming activities : Official Launch of the Special Issue of European Journal of Surgical Oncology
c) New COST application -CONFETTI by Dr Hajra Khattak and Dr Bassel Wattar, UK
d) Meeting in Serbia
5. Monitoring and Reporting to the COST Association
6. Summary of MC decisions
7. Closing