
Dear colleagues, for the fourth year in a row, the Bulgarian Breast and Cervical Cancer Association is organizing its anual course.

This year the course will be held on October 12th and 13th in the meeting room on the 8th floor of the „Dr. Shterev“ Medical Complex. October 12th will be dedicated to cervical cancer, as the main topic will be vaccine prevention and HPV screening, and October 13th will be dedicated to breast cancer, as the main topic we will be the path of the breast cancer patient in Bulgaria.

With us will be our guests from the Department of Imaging of the Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria – Dr. Birgit Amort and Dr. Silke Haushamer, who will conduct the practical workshop on biopsies of lesions of breast under ultrasound control.

You can find more about the program in the link below.

You can register for both days together or for each of the days separately, and the registration is as follows:

Registration for October 12 (cervical cancer day) – BGN 100

Registration for October 13 (breast cancer day) – BGN 100

Registration for the two days – BGN 180

If you are a resident, you can benefit from a 50% discount on registration fees.

Your registration will only be considered complete after completing the registration form below and paying the entry fee.

Deadline for payment of the amount for the registration fee – 29.09.2024.

Places for the course are limited to 40 places for each day!

We will be happy to discuss your clinical cases together at the specially held round table. You can send the clinical cases in word or power point format, including clinical data, information from imaging studies and follow-up treatment and 2-3 questions that you would like to discuss in our round table to the following address: